Saturday 20 October 2007

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7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of The Secret

7 Free Lessons fro the Teachers of The Secretclick here
Hello there to all you good people
by now im sure you have heard of the secret movie and the law of attraction.If your answer is no then i suggest you go out and by that movie now,what you will learn from the movie will change your life for the better 100 fold this i know for sure.The law of attraction teaches us that every thing we experience all boils down to the thoughts that are going on in our minds and the emotions that accompany those thoughts.The law of attraction is a universal law like gravity it is a law of nature,of the universe it is always working.Now quantum physics tells us that every thing that exists is energy and everything is vibrating at its own particular frequency,this also applies to thought and emotion.The law of attraction also says that like attracts like in this case we are talking about thought and emotion,so a person who has negative thought and emotion will attract negative people into there lives and will have negative experiences,now this really rings true i mean we see this every day,negative and angry people are always around people of like energy to themselves a good vibrational match,and positive people who have good thoughts and positive emotions are around other positive people and are the ones who have the richer experience of life in all areas.So this teaches us how amazingly powerful are the thoughts and emotions that we have inside us at this moment.If we learn to fine tune our thought and emotion and even master them we could do any thing achieve anything have anything in our experience.You could accumilate wealth beyond your wildest dreams for yourself and those around you,you would be truly rich not just financially you would be rich in health rich in relationships and much much more.Believe me the law of attraction is flawless,it is law as soon as you have raised your vibrational frequency by correct thinking and the positive emotion that goes with that you are ready to attract and receive only good things and nothing else.In the movie the secret there are three master teachers of this law Bob Proctor,Jack canfield author of chicken soup for the soul books and rev michael beckwith.and these three amazing souls have put together THE SECRET SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH PROGRAM,now this stuff is top of its league believe me. The things you will learn from this program will catapult you to the top in every area of your life health,mentally,spiritually,financially to name but a few by learning to apply THE SECRET LAW OF ATTRACTION to your life.In the movie the secret Bob Proctor tells us that 1% of the population earns about 96% of all the money in the world,this is no coincidence they understand the secret ,the law of attraction it has been kept secret for centuries by world leaders ,now it is out it is spreading like wild fire,and it is being exposed to you because you attracted it THATS RIGHT YOU DID!People who are ready to learn the LOA must be ready for big positive change in there life,and ready to step out of there comfort zone because they are about to receive one of the greatest gifts that life has to offer,ABUNDANCE IN EVERY AREA OF YOUR LIFE

"When there is an unlimited supply of wealth,you cant take more than your share."

This one thought was so powerful for me.If you think about it,most people go through life thinking theres not enough hand so there is always guilt if they seem to succeed and others dont.And they feel jealous when others succeed and they dont.

However,the truly successful people realize that there really is an unlimited source of wealth and you can never have more than your share.When there is so much you dont need to be anxious or competitive or worry.Think about it,when you really appreciate
abundance the doors of wealth will be wide open for you.



"a great testimonial below dont you think."

"You have little to lose and much to gain by learning and applying The Secret SGR"

About 5 years ago I had a life changing event...I was widowed. It knocked me to the ground and when I eventually got up again I found I was a different person. During the past 4-5 years I've looked deep inside myself and have thrown away the inhibitions that were once barriers to the way I saw life. Of the many esoteric experiences that have followed I began to see a pattern in the way I focused my thoughts and how it had a corresponding outcome. About a year before The Secret was announced I came across the book from Wallace D. Wattles, "The Science of Getting Rich". Up until then my view was that money made people greedy. What the book showed me was what I had already been practicing for many years in my job as an architect, and that was the power of thought, how you use it, and how your thoughts manifest into things. It works! In the last year about a few months before the first trailers of The Secret were launched I began to do my own 'tests' by thinking a certain way....more things happened, sometimes the very next day! A few months later, The Secret was launched, but being in Australia...where it was created....we had to wait and couldn't purchase the DVD until late 2006. Since then, more and more things are starting to fall into place, simply by thinking and feeling good about what is going to happen. In reality, it's a small step but you can go a long way from that first step. You have little to lose and much to gain by learning and applying The Secret...or at least fine tuning it, as I have. My growing wealth, for my age, is proof it works....and it hasn't come from my day job either!!! ....there's something else I've 'discovered' too....The Secret as it's being marketed/taught now is just a beginning - there is more to what it can do.

~ Mark Bell, Australia

Remember this is a feeling universe whenever you are thinking and feeling you are attracting the law of attraction is in ceaseless motion.

Live joyfully and peacefully,knowing that right thoughts and right efforts inevitably bring about right results.

7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of The Secret

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